O Hara Plumbing is an integral part of your home. It brings in freshwater, heats it for use, and removes waste. It’s easy to take it for granted until something goes wrong.

Ignoring plumbing problems once they become emergency repairs is costly and stressful. You can prevent most of these problems by doing regular maintenance.


Your home’s plumbing brings in fresh water, heats it for washing and cleaning and distributes it around the house. It’s a vital part of our daily lives, and it’s easy to take for granted until something goes wrong. That’s why regular inspections are so important. They catch many problems before they become serious.

A clogged sink or slow-moving drain can be annoying, but a leaking pipe in the wall can cause serious and expensive damage to your home’s structure and contents. That’s why you should check the areas of your home most likely to experience plumbing problems, such as the bathroom and kitchen.

Often, the culprit of a plumbing problem is hidden behind walls or underneath floors, but a routine inspection can reveal these issues before they become major. For example, a small leak under a sink can lead to mold growth and wood rot if left unchecked. But if you regularly inspect your home, a plumber can come and repair the leak before it becomes a disaster.

The water heater is another important part of your plumbing system that can be neglected if not maintained properly. During a yearly maintenance visit, your plumber will flush the water heater to get rid of sediment that accumulates in the bottom of the tank and makes your water heater less efficient. They will also look at the temperature and pressure (T&P) valve and drain line to make sure they are in good working order.

Finally, your plumbing inspector should look at all the shut-off valves in your home to make sure they are easily accessible and work correctly. These can be used to shut off the water supply to individual fixtures if needed, so you can perform maintenance or in case of an emergency. Your professional plumber should also test each fixture’s water flow to ensure there are no obstructions and that the faucets turn on and off easily. If they don’t, you may need to have them replaced.

A slow drain may not seem like a big deal at first, but it’s important to address the issue sooner rather than later. If you let a clog build up, it can cause other issues in your home, as well as foul smells and even health risks. By tackling a slow drain promptly, you can save yourself from expensive and time-consuming plumbing repair.

A common culprit for a slow sink or tub drain is a combination of soap scum, hair, sticky styling products, and thick shaving foam that’s built up on the drain walls. You can often get rid of this type of clog with a simple plunger and hot water. If this doesn’t work, try pouring a cup of baking soda and a cup of white vinegar down the drain and flushing with hot water. This should break up and dislodge the clog, leaving your pipes clean and clear.

If these methods don’t work, it’s likely that you have a more severe clog that requires professional help. Trying to dig out the clog with an improper tool or using harmful chemicals can actually make the problem worse and lead to costly repairs down the line. If you have a clog that’s too stubborn to fix yourself, call a professional drain cleaning company like Their technicians will use septic-safe tools to dislodge the clog and leave your pipes healthy and clear.

Neglecting drain clogs can have serious long-term consequences for your home. Stagnant water that accumulates in slow-draining pipes becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and other microorganisms, which can cause foul odors and health risks. It also provides a perfect environment for the growth of mold, which can affect the respiratory and immune systems.

A clog that is left unchecked can also damage your pipes by corroding them as it builds up. This can result in leaks, reduced water pressure, and sewage backups. It’s best to contact a professional plumber as soon as you suspect that your drain is clogged. They will be able to use their tools and knowledge of your pipes to identify the source and extent of the clog and recommend the right repairs.

One of the most common plumbing issues is a leaky faucet. A single drip can waste up to eight gallons of water per day, which adds up to high utility bills and excess moisture in the home that can cause mold, mildew, and other damage. It’s important to check your sinks, showers, and tubs regularly for any signs of leaks, which can be difficult to spot as the problem develops.

If you notice water stains on your ceiling or walls, mold in the bathroom, or dampness under sinks, these are all signs of potential leaks that need to be addressed as soon as possible to prevent further problems and expensive repairs. Leaks in shower and bathtub lines can be particularly hard to find, as the pipes are often hidden behind the walls and under floors.

In addition to checking for visible signs of leaks, you should also test your faucets by turning them on and off to make sure they shut off completely without any dripping or leaking. You should also take this opportunity to clean your faucet aerators and spouts, as these can be prone to buildup that can lead to leaks.

A leaky faucet is a big problem because it can lead to higher than usual water bills, and a constant drip can eventually wear out the washers and valve seat. In addition, a broken seal can allow water to flow into places it shouldn’t, which can damage the fixture and cause mold and mildew.

Leaking toilets are another major source of water waste in homes, as they can leak thousands of gallons of water each year. In addition to wasting water, they can also contribute to structural damage and attract pests like termites and carpenter ants. In order to keep your toilets in good working condition, you should regularly check them for leaks and aerators, and be ready to replace them if necessary.

In addition to looking for leaks and testing your faucets, you should also check the shut-off valves in each room of your house. These are usually located under sinks or in unfinished areas of the house, such as basements and crawl spaces. They should be easy to turn on and off, and they should shut off fully without any dripping or leaking.

In addition to changing batteries in smoke detectors and replacing air filters, checking the water pressure is a routine task that should be done as part of your regular plumbing maintenance. High water pressure puts excessive strain on your pipes, gradually weakening their structure and leading to leaks, or in severe cases, burst pipes. If you hear banging or rattling noises when turning on faucets, washing machines, dishwashers, or toilets, it’s a sign that your home has too much water pressure.

There are a number of things that can cause high water pressure, including corroded or rusted-out pipes and an overloaded pipe system. In most cases, however, high water pressure is caused by a faulty pressure regulator. This is a device that is installed at the water main to control the water pressure coming into the house. There are a number of different types of water pressure regulators, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. If you suspect that you have a problem with your water pressure, it’s best to have a professional plumber come out and check the pressure and install a new regulator if necessary.

It’s also a good idea to check the water pressure in your home regularly with a pressure gauge, particularly after any major use of water. To get the most accurate reading, be sure to turn off all faucets and appliances (washing machines, sprinklers, ice makers, etc.). You should also shut off the water supply valves located in your basement and garage if you want to avoid any potential damage to your pipes or plumbing fixtures.

Once you’ve done a test of the water pressure, record the results. You should aim for a pressure of around 55 to 60 pounds-per-square-inch (psi). Anything higher and your pipes are at risk of causing serious damage.

If you have a faulty pressure regulator, it will need to be replaced as soon as possible. This is an inexpensive fix that can save you money, time, and stress. It can also extend the lifespan of your household plumbing systems and appliances.